Final BodyKey Update

Hello! Sorry I haven’t written much lately, I’ve been busy! I am, however, jumping back on track after another week of not really watching what I eat (but still tracking!) and no scheduled exercise. It feels good to bring some structure back into my life but first let’s talk about my Body Key experiment…


…or I should say, the lack of my Body Key experiment. I stuck to the 2 weeks of shakes as a meal replacement as planned but the last few shakes appeared on random days and in place of random meals. Overall, this type of weight loss system is most definitely not for me. A shake in place of food once every day until the end of time? No way. I’ve said it before and I will say it again: I like to EAT food. Not drink it. And honestly, a shake with lots of nutrients (read: nutrients and chemicals) does not a meal make. Having a meal should be an experience. There’s nothing wrong with arranging a plate of colorful food that smells and tastes good. Eating a meal isn’t just about warding off hunger, at least not for me. I enjoy eating, I mean hello? How do you think I arrived at having to Unfluff in the first place? But lately, my relationship with food has transitioned from unhealthy and abusive to a source of joy and nourishment. So I’ma eat all the things, k?

I guess the one positive thing that came out of the experiment was that I learned that I enjoy a shake for breakfast on occasion. It is a huge time saver when I’m unable to get out of bed running a little behind in the mornings. Also, in the summer, I prefer iced coffee anyway and would rather eat something cold but filling. After a few attempts at just the powder with water or almond milk, I finally figured out that I need to start bulking my shakes up to make them a more satisfying meal-like experience. My favorite combo thus far has been 1 banana, half a cup of rolled oats, a cup of unsweetened almond milk and some PB2. This helped really make the shakes a meal and kept me full much longer. This combo especially helps me get my oatmeal in without trying to down a hot bowl of food when it’s a bagillion degrees outside.

In conclusion, I lost about 1.5 lbs doing the Body Key planned, mainly because I never did it on the weekends and I barely touched the rest of the system (the appetite suppressing chews, the pills and the last of the aloe shots). It was fun while it lasted I guess but it is not my weight loss method of choice to say the least.


❤ M.

3 thoughts on “Final BodyKey Update

  1. I do a similar shake sometimes: banana, PB, almond milks, protein powder, and… spinach. I keep a bag of frozen spinach and like to add it to my smoothies.You don’t really taste it.

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